Game Development Roadmap 2024 : Game Developer salary

There are many things you need to know about Game Development Roadmap. Today we will discuss Game Development Roadmap 2024 in our article. Let us have a detailed idea of ​​what we have to learn. I will also know about the things that will increase or decrease its demand in the future.  

Game Development Roadmap 2024 

If you have decided you are looking for the right guidelines to learn game development. you have come to the right place. There are two things you need to know well when it comes to game development. But even within these two things, there are many things as impression categories.  

  • Client Side Development  
  • Server Side Development  

What is Client Side Development? 

Client sign development means developing the functions etc. of how the user interface will work. There are many things you need to learn inside client-side development. In which first comes Game Mathematics. You need to have a good understanding of many of them and also know their practical uses.  

Game Mathematics 

  • Linear Algebra 
  • Vector 
  • Matrix 
  • Linear Transformation 
  • Geometry 
  • Affine Transformation 
  • Projection 
  • Orientation 
  • Perspective 
  • Quaternion  
  • Orthogonal 
  • Euler Angle 

Game Mathematics Curve 

  • Spline 
  • Hermit 
  • Bezier 
  • Catmull-Rom 

You should have a good idea about all these and prepare for the next step. But it would be foolish to proceed to the next step without having a good idea about them. It comes to the next step Game Physics. 

Game Physics details: 

Plays a big role in game development. If you don’t know about it properly, you won’t be able to progress further in game development. game Physics There are a few small parts.  

Game Physics Dynamics 

  • Center of Mass 
  • Monet of Inertia 
  • Acceleration 
  • Joints 
  • Restitution 
  • Force 
  • Angular Velocity 
  • Buoyancy 
  • Friction 
  • Linear Velocity 

Game Physics Collision Detection 

  • CCD 

Narrow Phase 

  • Intersection 
  1. SAT 
  1. CC 
  1. EPA 
  • Convexity 
  1. Convex 

-Convex Hull 

  1. Convex Decomposition 

Broad Phase 

  1. Bounding Volume 
  •     OBB
  •     AABB
  1. Spatial  Partitioning 
  • Sort & Sweep 
  • DBVT 
  • BVH 

Next comes the game engines. With the help of this, you can do the main tasks of game development. 

Game Engine 

  • Unity 3D 
  • Unreal Engine 
  • Native 
  • Godot 

Once you know the basics of game engines, your task is to master any programming language. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Games are developed using a variety of programming languages. Some of the most popular ones are: 

Programming Languages 

  • C# 
  • C/C++ 
  • Rust 
  • Python 
  • Assembly 

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After we finish this sector, now we have to work on a big sector which is computer graphics. If it doesn’t work well, your game story won’t be marketable even if it’s good. If you notice, most of the games have very nice graphics. So if you want to be proficient in this subject then you have to keep the whole subject of computer graphics in mind.  

Computer Graphics 

  • Ray tracing 
  • Rasterization 
  • Graphics Pipeline 
  • Sampling 
  • Shoder 
  • Rendering Equation 
  • Mapping
    • Texture
    • Bump
    • Parallax
    • Horizon 
  • Reflection
    • Diffuse
    • Specular
  • Stencil Shadow
  • Lighting and Shadow
  • Shadow Map
  • Light Source
  • 2D
  • Cube
  • Directional
  • Spot
  • Coscoded
  • Infinite
  • Point
  • Visibility and Occlusion
  • Occluder
  • Culling
  • Cipping
  • Fog
  • A piece
  • Polygon
  • Light
  • Polyhedron
  • Shadow


The next step comes within the Graphics API there are several categories. 

Graphics API

  • Directx
    • HLSL
  • OpenGL
    • GLSL
  • Vulkan
    • SPIR-V
  • OpenGL ES
  • Metal
  • WebGL

Later, Game AI will be needed for decision making and it will be used for various other purposes, so you need to know about it in detail, some of the categories are presented below. It is very important in terms of game development so the sector will not be left out for now.  

Game AI

  • Decision Making
    • Decision tree
    • State Machine
    • Behavior Tree
    • Fuzzy Logic
    • Markav System
    • Goal Oriented Behavior
  • Movement
  • Board Game
    • Minimax
    • AB Pruning
    • MCTS
  • Learning
    • Naive Bayes Classifier
    • Decision Learning
    • Reinforcements Learning
    • Decision Tree Learning
    • Deep Learning
    • Artificial Neural Network

Advanced Rendering

  • Physically-Based Rendering
    • Microsurface Scattering
    • Conservation of Energy
    • Conservation of Energy
    • Metallicity
  • Real-Time Ray Tracing
    • DirectX Ray Tracing
    • Vulkan Ray Tracing
    • Optix

Through this Game development, you can create your fair. 2024 game development is in demand. At the same time, the salary range is also very high. At the same time, this sector is difficult to look at, so let’s take this opportunity to address the issue again for a lower number of people.


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