The Unity Runtime is No More – PoketGamer Podcast

Popular podcast team PoketGamer hosted a special broadcast last week on the latest mobile game industry news featuring 3 popular personalities Craig Chapple, Paige Cook, and Aaron Astle. And they were joined by another special guest on this podcast. Fundamentally Games CEO Oskar Clark.

PoketGamer Host New Podcast

They discussed their broadcast on the biggest breaking news of the week. One of the most important topics in this podcast is the announcement for the first time that the Unity Engine will eliminate run-time fees. That too almost a year after the first announcement. Later, hot takes are distributed between news breaks.

On the other hand, PoketGamer stated Microsoft’s X-Box card. They discuss the big activation blizzard priority at the same time they discuss Apple’s iPhone 16. Another thing discussed there is the closure of Das Game Garden, which they discuss in great detail in this podcast.

If you want to take a statement from a pocket gamer or join their pot cast, you can do so and take their guest’s advice at the same time. Moreover, you can find their services through YouTube and Spotify. Almost every week PocketGamer hosts special guest speakers to discuss various gaming-related topics.

Pocket Gamer is a popular platform where you can constantly get various gaming news updates and join them, besides live broadcasts where they have guests, you can get advice from the guests.


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